Emotional Intelligence

The most intelligent people (with high IQ) are not always the people you are either satisfied with or who rise to the top of their organizations. It's the 'people people' who achieve the most consistent rewards in their personal and professional lives. Emotional Intelligence is what helps them do this.

Emotional Intelligence is about learning how to manage personal interactions and knowing how to use communication to maximum benefit.

Emotional intelligence is critical to leadership, learning, and organizational performance. Learn how to raise your and others' emotional intelligence. Gain an in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence as you develop new tools you can put to work immediately.

Emotional Intelligence(often given the acronym EQ, the emotional-intelligence equivalent of IQ) encompasses social intelligence and emphasizes the affect of emotions on our ability to view situations objectively and thus to understand ourselves and other people. It is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power of emotions, appropriately channelled as a source of energy, creativity and influence. Balancing and integrating the head and heart, is the mission of personal growth in the domain of emotional intelligence.

24 NOv 2008

I am feeling very vexed. Nothing seems to go in favor recently. Everything is making me look like a fool and an asshole.

@h MIng

G20 meeting

The meeting of the G20 opens today. The leaders of the world's 20 largest economy began meeting to find a common course for a recovery before the downturn hit bottom. The meeting will cover mostly on government spending to which boost growth.

Although the leaders are finding a common goal at this meeting, it may be hard to come to a conclusion for the US as the Bush administrations are not able push through an agenda during this moment because of the transition of power. The decision will most likely be on Obama when he take office.

With the foreclosure of banks now easing, another problem has risen. Big corporate of the auto industries have taken the hit now. The most prominent now is General Motor. It is not going to survive for months to come if it does not receive any aid now.

The year ahead does not look good. Retrenchment of workers have already started and it is spreading. Banks are the first to do it. Singapore's DBS are already in process of cutting about 1000 jobs from its operations.

Who or what will be next? let's wait and see.

Veterans Day

Today is the Veterans Day. It is the 90th anniversary for the end of World World 1. The World pay tribute to the war dead today.

There was a four year battle between the Germans and the Allies and millions of life were lost. I think there was also some religious war or anything like that going on also (I was not a history student)

Survivors of the War would have been 100 plus years old by now (its already the 90th year already loh). Very few still survive now.

According to BBC, Australia lost 60000 men during the battle. Soldiers from many part of the world died far away from their homeland and countries to defend the liberty.

The Soviet Union was created at the end or so of the war.

Forex Trader

The ability to communicate is a gift to some, the same ability to communicate may be a burden to some

Rainy days or Hot days. I don't really know about it. It feels hot for me during the week but people keep telling me its raining somewhere. I have doubts about it because the sweats wake me up.

I tried to trade the Forex over the week (Fulltime) and it proved stressful to me. I was gluded to the laptop for the whole day. I could not sleep properly and little rest resulted. There is the tendency to wake up after 3hrs of sleep. Normally to check the statues and read some news. Alertness and Readiness is important cause evey news give big fluctuation to the exchange for the day; WIn Big Time, Lose BIg Time.

The recent market volatlity also brought about very big fluctuation in the exchange rates. A normal day trading of 60pips to 70pips have almost doubled. It may now be trading in about 150pips per day. If say convert it to dollar sense, it would be around the range of about US$150 (S$200++). With uncertainty and recesssion in the news, the market looks even harder to trade. There was no indication of where the exchange rate will go.

President Obama

This is it. The US Presidential election is now over and Obama have become the new United States President. A landslide victory? That's for you to decide. (349-Democrat VS 162-Republican)

The first black president in the presidential history of US (that is of no issue). The changes he is going to make after taking office, are going to be what everyone anticipate. Will he do something different from what he had said? Will the changes be significant? What will the economy be like in the years to come? War for energy just like what Bill did? We will only know when the time comes..

I think there is some news about Starbucks giving out free coffee during election day also :/ (I wonder if it would happen in Singapore).Everything aside. He look suave to me :D. What do you think??

Obama full victory speech(Click on image to link)

What the PRos say about Obama's victory(Click on image to link)