Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological and behavioural condition. It is one of the most common mental disorder that can develop in children. It affected 5% to 8% of children. ADHD can lead to poor school/work performance, poor social relationships and a general feeling of low self esteem (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000; American Academy of Paediatrics 2000; National Institutes of Mental Health [NIMH], 2008). The American Psychiatric Association (2000) indicated that the disorder can appear more frequently in males then females, with the ratios ranging from 2:1 to 9:1, depending on the type of disorder and the setting. According to studies, the disorder can persist through adolescence and into adulthood. Journals written by Silver in year 2000 estimated that 30 percent to 70 percent of the patients who were diagnosed with ADHD still exhibit symptoms of the disorder in adulthood.

ADHD Reviewed
The DSM-IV-TR used by mental health professionals, provided criteria for diagnosing ADHD. According to the book ADHD was divided into three subtypes namely the Hyperactive-Impulsive type, Inattentive type, and Combined type.

Signs and symptoms of the Hyperactive-Impulsive type may include fidgety nature, talks a lot and hard to sit still to complete a piece of work or meal. Younger children may run, jump or climb constantly. Older patients may feel restless and may have trouble with impulsiveness. They may blurt out answers before hearing the whole question, interrupt others, or speak at inappropriate times, or talk excessively. Children will have difficulty in participating in sedentary group activities in preschool classes as compared to similar aged children (APA, 2000; NIMH, 2008).

Patients who were diagnosed with the Inattentive type of ADHD may experience symptoms like confusion, distraction and forgetfulness. These often results in making mistakes, having difficulty to sustaining attention, and difficulty to follow through on instructions during work, chorus or other activities. Organizing is a problem for them as they are forgetful. ADHD patients avoid, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort for fear of being viewed as incapable. They can be often and easily distracted by external stimuli (APA, 2000; NIMH, 2008).

According to the guideline by DSM-IV-TR the Combined type of ADHD must have six or more symptoms of the Inattention Disorder and six or more symptoms of the Hyperactivity-Impulsive Disorder to be established and certified. Most children with the disorder have the Combined type but it is not known whether it hold true for adults with the disorder.

Although a child or adult may display the symptoms, it is not immediately associated with the disorder. A diagnosis of ADHD is usually determined by the number and severity of symptoms, duration of symptoms, and the degree to which these symptoms cause impairment in various life stages. It is important to note that the presence of significant impairment in at least two major settings of the person's life is central to the diagnosis of ADHD. For example losing a job because of ADHD symptoms or getting a failing grade in school. It is also important to note that the symptoms to the appropriate subtype must persist for at least six months (APA, 2000; NIMH, 2008).

Causes of ADHD
No one knows exactly what causes ADHD. There appears to be a combination of causes, from genetics to possible environmental influences. Physical differences in the brain seem to be involved. Several different factors could increase a child’s likelihood of having the disorder.

It was suggested that The School Environment factor can be one of the cause of ADHD. The caused as suggested by Goodman and Poillion (1992) can be the child’s delay in language development, learning disabilities, difficulty in adjusting to the school environment and to school-related activities. Barkley (1998) and Jensen and fellow researchers (1997) beg to differ the view. The results of Goodman and Poillion (1992) only holds true to children with ADHD having a higher incidence of academic and school related problems when compared to children without ADHD. It does not constitute to the main cause of ADHD.

There were also researchers pointing fingers to Environment Agents such as the use of cigarette and alcohol during pregnancy (NIMH, 2008; Ramsay & Reynolds, 2000). Exposure to high level of lead may also be one of the cause (NIMH, 2008; Rice, 2000; Weiss & Landrigan, 2000)

Sugar or food additives in the diet may also worsen ADHD. It was found by National Institutes of Health, US, in 1982 that diet restrictions helped about 5 percent of children with ADHD, mostly young children who had food allergies. Also it was stated by Wolraich et al. (1985) in their studies that the effect of sugar on children, using sugar one day and a sugar substitute on alternate days, without parents, staff, or children knowing which substance was being used, showed no significant effects of the sugar on behaviour or learning. However another study by Hoover & Milich (1994), whose parents were told what was given to them, reported children who received sugar were rated more hyperactive than the other children and were more critical of their behaviour.

Genetics influences or hereditary can also lead to one of the cause of ADHD. Biederman et al. (1990) and Robert (2001) wrote in their studies that child of an adult with ADHD has approximately a 25% chance of having ADHD.

Accompanying Disorder
Many children with Tourette's Disorder also have ADHD. Statistics by DSM-IV-TR showed that 50% of the clinic-referred individuals with Turette’s Disorder also had ADHD but it also stated that individuals with ADHD may not have Turette’s Disorder. Children with Tourette's Disorder may also have learning disabilities or thoughts or behaviours that are repeated over and over, such as eye blinks, facial twitches, or grimacing.

Both Bipolar and ADHD shared many similarities in its characteristics of the Disorder. The many characteristics may include impulsivity, inattention, hyperactivity, behavioural and mood changes. Therefore differentiating between ADHD and bipolar disorder in childhood can be difficult (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Outbursts and temper tantrums lasted a shorter duration in child with ADHD then child with Bipolar. Attention spent for child with ADHD are still shorter when compare to child with Bipolar. Children with Bipolar can spent a long time watching his favourite TV show but children who are ADHD, even if interested, may not stay as long.

It is useful to note that behavioural therapy, emotional counselling, and practical support helped children with ADHD to feel better about themselves.

Treatment techniques such as the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy by Dr. Marsha Linehan (1991) can help individuals with ADHD better manage their life. It seeks to teach the patient how to learn to better take control of their lives, their emotions, and themselves through self-knowledge, emotion regulation, and cognitive restructuring. It is a comprehensive approach that is most often conducted within a group setting.

Administer of drugs such as methylphenidate was also used. Much success was reported in the therapy with drugs (Carlson et al., 1992) but parents tend to favour behavioural treatment over pharmacological treatments (Pelham, 1999).

Teaching and Support
As was indicated by DSM-IV-TR there was no particular signs and symptoms that can diagnosis ADHD. Although parenting and discipline style do not cause ADHD, parents’ involvement in the behavioural treatment can help manage the symptoms. It is suggested schedule, rule and reward, and punishment system to be set in order to help the patients and to condition them to such desirable behaviour or outcome.

Schedule may be set for specific times like waking up, eating, playing and doing homework. The schedule had to be easily visible also because it will keep reminding them of the time for specific task. On the other hand, they will be conditioned after some time, consciously or subconsciously, to do the task at the times.

Another example will be to focus on effort rather than on the grade of the child. Reward the child when he or she finished the homework as grade may not be the ‘true knowledge’ to what they have learned in school. Is it also important that they make it a habit to finish an assignment. Most important of all, there have to be quires about the child from parents to teachers on how the child is doing in school.

Short Term Memory

Short-term memory was sometimes referred to as "primary," "working," or "active" memory, was said to hold a small amount of information for about 20 seconds. Short-term memory can also be described as the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active, readily available state. The information held in short-term memory may be recently processed sensory input or items recently retrieved from long-term memory or the result of recent mental processing The most important characteristic of a short-term store was that it retains information for a limited amount of time only. Most definitions of short-term memory limit the duration of storage to less than a minute, and in some models as little as 2 seconds.

The Brown-Peterson’s paradigm developed by Brown in 1958 and the Petersons in 1959 tested two hypotheses in what caused forgetting in Short-term memory (STM). The interference theory suggested that the cause of forgetting was the entry of other items into STM. It claimed that strength of information already in STM weaken as new items enters. The decay theory was associated with the length of time in which the information remained in STM; the longer the passage of time, the probability of correct recalling was reduced. In other words, it tested the effects of interference and time limit of STM.

The Brown-Peterson’s paradigm made use of the distracter task to prevent its subjects from rehearsing the letters. When experimented with the paradigm, the subjects had to memorize three short words that were written on an index card for a variable delay with the inclusion of an interfering task. The subjects would hear a three digit number and from there they count the number by three for a period of time. At the end of the interval, subjects were asked to recall the items. Findings suggested that the recall was quite accurate at the short retention intervals but drops rapidly, when the retention interval was approximately 15 to 25 seconds.


With regards to the Brown Peterson Paradigm, an experiment was conducted using a slightly modified version of the paradigm. The experiment was conducted using 99 participants in Perth, year 2007. It was a simple design, with two within subjects variables: Delay (1, 11, and 21 seconds) and Repetition (Time 1 VS Time 2).

The experiment was conducted to test two hypotheses. Hypothesis number one was that “practice makes perfect” and hypothesis number two was hypothesized as “Fatigue when performing task twice”. In other words, the result should indicate an improved and more accurate result at Time 2 than Time 1 in hypothesis one. On the other hand, hypothesis two should indicate a more accurate result or performance in Time 1 than in Time 2


Table 1

Repetition Delay


Std Error

1 1









2 1









The results of Delay experiment, as from above showed, argued in favor of the Brown Peterson Paradigm. The standard error went up as time of delay lengthens. Therefore, conclusion was that the participants were not able to recall as efficiently as time of delay increased from 1 second to 20 seconds.

Table 2

(I)Delay (J)Delay

Mean Difference (I-J)

Std Error

1 2






2 1






3 1






Table 3

(I)Delay (J)Delay

Mean Difference (I-J)

Std Error

1 2






2 1






3 1






Comparison between Time 1 and Time 2 showed a drop in mean difference and improved standard error. The subjects had actually performed better when tested the second time. The result therefore did not comply with the hypothesis of “Fatigue when performing the task twice”. In other word, it showed a more accurate result or performance in Time 2 than in Time 1, proving that practice do make perfect. Repetition had actually produced better performance or results.


Findings from the experiments suggested that time and exposure to a task can affect STM. Repeated exposure to a task can improve a person’s STM, shown in the experiments, was also proven by Tarnow and Eugen in 2005. Duration in which information can be retained in the STM can be lengthen by repeating or rehearsing either by articulating it out loud, or by mentally simulating such thoughts. In this way, the information will reenter the short-term store and be retained for a further period. As demonstrated by Brown-Peterson paradigm, the longer the delay of a task in STM the less accurate it becomes. It can be argued that as time lengthens, new information enters STM and thus reducing correct recalling or causing forgetting.

Although it was shown that STM was limited by duration of retaining, methods such as chunking can also increase a person’s ability to recall. Ericsson et. al. demonstrated in 1980 that a person was able to increase their recalling ability through the use of chunking. For example, in recalling a phone number, the person usually chunks the digits into three groups. First, the area code (such as 814), then a three-digit chunk (123) and lastly a four-digit chunk (4567). In Singapore’s context where there are only 8 number locally; the number was divided into two parts, such as 1234 then 5678. This method of remembering phone numbers is far more effective than attempting to remember a whole string of numbers.

Miller, in 1956, summarized evidence that people can remember about 7 chunks in short-term memory tasks. However, that number was meant more as a rough estimate than a real capacity limit. Others have since suggested that there was a more precise capacity limit, but that was only 3 to 5 chunks.

Research by Baddeley et. al. in 1975 had shown that seven number was roughly accurate for college students recalling lists of digits, but memory span varies widely with populations tested and with material. The ability to recall words in order depends on a number of characteristics of the words. Fewer words can be recalled when the words have longer spoken duration.

The working memory model that was developed by Baddeley and Hitch in 1974 led them to propose that the memory we use when working on a task was divided into 2 areas, the visual or acoustic. Visuo-spatial sketch pad deals with visual material and phonological loop deals with auditory material.

When their speech sounds are similar to each other; this is called the phonological similarity effect (Conrad and Hull, 1964). More words can be recalled when the words are highly familiar and/or occur frequently in the language (Pointer and Saint-Aubin, 1996); recall performance is also better when all of the words in a list are taken from a single semantic category (such as sports) than when the words are taken from different categories (Pointer and Saint-Aubin, 1995).

The key concept associated with a short-term memory was that it had a finite capacity, with a time of not more than 30s to the estimates of about 9 varying elements. The average person may only retain about 7±2 different units in his or her short term memory, to be able to improve STM, various methods of techniques had to be applied. The limits to an individual had to really depend on the various situation factors and their conditions. Therefore, general conclusions about STM can rarely be made.

Answers and Green Light

We can never know everything beforehand, and we often only learn things when we need to learn them. Often follow by disappointment. Therefore many people never start projects simply because they do not have all the answers. In reality fact, anyone in the world will never know or have all the answers.

" Many people will not cross the street until the light is green. That is why they don't go anywhere "

Emotional Intelligence

The most intelligent people (with high IQ) are not always the people you are either satisfied with or who rise to the top of their organizations. It's the 'people people' who achieve the most consistent rewards in their personal and professional lives. Emotional Intelligence is what helps them do this.

Emotional Intelligence is about learning how to manage personal interactions and knowing how to use communication to maximum benefit.

Emotional intelligence is critical to leadership, learning, and organizational performance. Learn how to raise your and others' emotional intelligence. Gain an in-depth understanding of emotional intelligence as you develop new tools you can put to work immediately.

Emotional Intelligence(often given the acronym EQ, the emotional-intelligence equivalent of IQ) encompasses social intelligence and emphasizes the affect of emotions on our ability to view situations objectively and thus to understand ourselves and other people. It is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power of emotions, appropriately channelled as a source of energy, creativity and influence. Balancing and integrating the head and heart, is the mission of personal growth in the domain of emotional intelligence.

24 NOv 2008

I am feeling very vexed. Nothing seems to go in favor recently. Everything is making me look like a fool and an asshole.

@h MIng

G20 meeting

The meeting of the G20 opens today. The leaders of the world's 20 largest economy began meeting to find a common course for a recovery before the downturn hit bottom. The meeting will cover mostly on government spending to which boost growth.

Although the leaders are finding a common goal at this meeting, it may be hard to come to a conclusion for the US as the Bush administrations are not able push through an agenda during this moment because of the transition of power. The decision will most likely be on Obama when he take office.

With the foreclosure of banks now easing, another problem has risen. Big corporate of the auto industries have taken the hit now. The most prominent now is General Motor. It is not going to survive for months to come if it does not receive any aid now.

The year ahead does not look good. Retrenchment of workers have already started and it is spreading. Banks are the first to do it. Singapore's DBS are already in process of cutting about 1000 jobs from its operations.

Who or what will be next? let's wait and see.

Veterans Day

Today is the Veterans Day. It is the 90th anniversary for the end of World World 1. The World pay tribute to the war dead today.

There was a four year battle between the Germans and the Allies and millions of life were lost. I think there was also some religious war or anything like that going on also (I was not a history student)

Survivors of the War would have been 100 plus years old by now (its already the 90th year already loh). Very few still survive now.

According to BBC, Australia lost 60000 men during the battle. Soldiers from many part of the world died far away from their homeland and countries to defend the liberty.

The Soviet Union was created at the end or so of the war.

Forex Trader

The ability to communicate is a gift to some, the same ability to communicate may be a burden to some

Rainy days or Hot days. I don't really know about it. It feels hot for me during the week but people keep telling me its raining somewhere. I have doubts about it because the sweats wake me up.

I tried to trade the Forex over the week (Fulltime) and it proved stressful to me. I was gluded to the laptop for the whole day. I could not sleep properly and little rest resulted. There is the tendency to wake up after 3hrs of sleep. Normally to check the statues and read some news. Alertness and Readiness is important cause evey news give big fluctuation to the exchange for the day; WIn Big Time, Lose BIg Time.

The recent market volatlity also brought about very big fluctuation in the exchange rates. A normal day trading of 60pips to 70pips have almost doubled. It may now be trading in about 150pips per day. If say convert it to dollar sense, it would be around the range of about US$150 (S$200++). With uncertainty and recesssion in the news, the market looks even harder to trade. There was no indication of where the exchange rate will go.

President Obama

This is it. The US Presidential election is now over and Obama have become the new United States President. A landslide victory? That's for you to decide. (349-Democrat VS 162-Republican)

The first black president in the presidential history of US (that is of no issue). The changes he is going to make after taking office, are going to be what everyone anticipate. Will he do something different from what he had said? Will the changes be significant? What will the economy be like in the years to come? War for energy just like what Bill did? We will only know when the time comes..

I think there is some news about Starbucks giving out free coffee during election day also :/ (I wonder if it would happen in Singapore).Everything aside. He look suave to me :D. What do you think??

Obama full victory speech(Click on image to link)

What the PRos say about Obama's victory(Click on image to link)

Experience the unexpected

Today is juz not my day. Something really unexpected happened before my very eyes. It happened in a mere few minutes and I am very disturbed by it. I kept think about it and is still bothered by it.

How does it feel when something just came crushing down and you can do nothing about it? I think I experienced one of the kind of it. It never ever occurs before. This is one of a lifetime experience.

SET ANd readY???

So this is going to be the new template for my blog for coming months. I tried 'reconstuction' of it over the days. (I think it took me 3 days bah). Any way the major overhaul is now over. PLs continue to support me like always. Thks.

And the year is coming to an end. Juz 2 months left. The end is near but look forward for the many things to come. There will be HOliDAYS AND then look forward to the year end Sales (hahaha). Yap the year End SAles are the one worth looking forward to. thAt is the Opportunity where you can get cheapo stuffs and then shop till you drop!!!! Not to FORGET burning HOLES in THE pockets. :P

HAppY HOlidayz!!!


Eat, eat, walk, walk, shop, shop, see, see

It's the rainy season again. Rain was pouring for the few days.

Did not really go places lately. Some same old place and near home. Nothing to command about.

Met Ho Ching today. We went walk around Bugis area. Then I think we gradually walked further way down to Jalan Besar. Had some delicious mutton soup at the market there. Nearly got lost while making the way back to Bugis (hehe, we went into the 'small lane' of little India). We caught a glismp of Sim Lim Tower and Finally 'followed' the building and reach our destination. We also had some dessert at the Bugis market. The food not bad but the environment is hot. I sweat while eating. so be warn!!!!

I did some clearing of the blog also. It was like getting more and more messy. The current one should be more easy on the eyes. I am not a professional so if there is any 'discrepancy' please bear with it. :P

MOrning of 21st October

I think I am kind of bit of stressed lately. I could not sleep well but I can still eat well. More of a fact I eat much more lately.

Dunno why but something seems very different for me these days. There was like something missing. Especially after exams. I felt weird leh. Its like I am totally ditched. I can't explained it in words alone.

Or rather was I too bottled up. (maybe) CAnnot really get to 'Complain' my feeling to someone. I admit I need someone to hear me out.

Brain Dead

It was frustrating, some of the times you just don't feel like doing anything. There are also cases where you want to go about it but does not where to start. It was so stressful that giving up was one of the options.

Central Restaurant @ Paradize Centre is now opened. Went there yesterday. Things in the menu are more or less the same. There are some new food though. I ate the prawn fried rice. TAste bit of blunt but ok with me.

Walk around Orchard also. Sales at Taka Square is up. Many discounted items up for grabs. Nothing much really interesting.


where am i NOw? long long time no come update liao. hehe...

I was not really busy (considering I am at home most of the time for the past weeks). I just don get the urge to write down anything. :/

Anyway, exams over. So One more module to go BUt need very long long wait. (at least till march bah). Graduation next July???? (Lets cross our fingers n pray that nothing happens)

I am very lost now. i donno what to do also.

Things happen too fast.

I cannot sleep. I was offered something big just hours ago. I cannot stop thinking about it. Decision have to be made ASAP and it will be a big one. I have not have the chance to tok to family. They were asleep when I am home. I donno if it can be made in time.

The month of September

The month of September already. This is going to be one the exciting month. F1 is on the calender with some other minor events going on. Buzzy buzzy month. One of the events that got much of the attention other than F1 is the Motor Show at the last week of the month.

So much for Singapore's events. back to mY Life.

Went Chinese Garden last SAt. They had the Hello Kitty theme this year round (what's last year?). or rather the Hario??? theme. They got all characters from hello kitty, then the dunno what frog, black bird and dog one lah. i dun remember what the company call liao but i noe they all come from the same company one. THere is one Tortise Museum in the garden now but i did not go in and see.

Cost of entry to the Garden is now at $15. Bit of exxx coz nothing to see one. There were fireworks during the mid-autum festival.

The fireworks

Entrance to the Garden

I meet Ah DI at Orchard on Sunday. He bought a Polo shirt for her girl's birthday. Oh yeah, he also bought a cake. We had a long tok also. he is happy working at his current job. He gave me an idea also. I may want to try doing it.

Sept the 8th. I was working at Central Taka kitchen.

Before I forget HAppy birthdaY AH BIng in advance

Thats all for the update.

Confusion COnfused

Its sat now. I Think I had bother by what CK told me or reminded me that day. Wednesday to be exact.

I think I had already forgotten about my own targets or ambitions that was posted. Come think of it, I was totally out of the course now. I was told I had changed somehow ( I dunno how to put it in words). I was not what I used to be already. There is something that is not the same anymore. Even a third party cannot tell me what it is.

I was at a total lost for 2 days already. SIgnnnnn....

ANyway engagement for XiaoQiang coming Sun. Congratulates to him. SEptember marks one of the special month. It made me remember some things and some interesting figures. For these I should not say too much, for it has to remain a secrecy kept.

27 Aug 2008

humm..... Long time.... so for the week gone I was not that active bah. Dun really remember what I did also.

I remembered having Lunch at Kushinbu (???? is it this name ????) with Sis. Food was good. Service was normal. Waitress looks pretty!!! Lol !!!

Then I worked a few days at Central Taka Kitchen. 2 days in kitchen to be exact and then 3 days in the bar. 5 days in total. It was a mess leh. I was totally lost on what to do loh. Too long no touch all the things liao, all become so strange. Lucky I never see the Big BIg Chef. Frankly, I don really like him. Everyone was good and surviving. New faces for waiter and waitres. SAme people still working in the kitchen. Nothing new in the menu. ( I dunno how they survive this long with the old menu). There was news that a new branch is opening at Paradiz Centre SOOoo stay tune!!!

MEet Ck and repaired his PC today. I think he kana viruses bah. Cannot boot into windows and then somemore safe mode was inaccessible. I did a clean sweep for him and I took the bloody whole 4hrs to fix everything including update of some software.

So what next??

There is a school assignment to hand in by the week. Xiao Qiang getting Engagement this Sunday. Then I got the Assigned job to cater the BBQ for him. 25 people BBQ I not sure how to do it.

Comex starting tomorrow at Suntec. it will be One of the biggest Computing events. The Exhibits starts from the 1st floor and go all the way to the 6th floor. All this is not IMpt. MOst impt are the promos they are offering..

I think i lost the transfer cable for my Hp. I cannot find it anywhere liao.


Time for some update.

THe pass days was 'Some' days for me. Starting from Friday, I was eating like nobody's bizness. Went Tin Tai Feng, JUnction 8 for lunch on friday. Guess what, one of the Kakids was Brandon!!! Haha so long no see him liao, He still the same crappy guy LOL. Then there is Wan ZAi just beside it. The manager working there was from Pasir Ris and she still remember me (not bad huh.) I only work with her for only like no more then 3 weeks. Went PS and tok to AhDi. Got another treat from him (FRee MEal!!!!) but this time with a group from Central Resturant. Trained to Orchard and walk around. NOt much change since i Last went there. Last meal of the day was with Dessert Aunty at bugis. We had Parklane Wanton NOodles. I give it a excellent grade.

Then Sat had a late breakfast. I reached home only 4 am in the morning and slept in late. DId not finish the breakfast coz it taste really bad. I had BA ku te. tastes really horrible. yap. Had some equally bad western food for dinner ( bad day for me). I threw away half of the pack loh. Cooked the never failed 'Maggi Mee Instant Noodle' to fill the stomach.

Had Family LUnch on sunday. All of the members had a gather at grandma house. Some simple lunch. I was like gobbling down 20 sotong balls gradually. Half of it was unfinished ones from those little monsters. Hhaha i mean my nephew and niece.

very messy update.... anyway EPL started over the weekend. The show is here now. No MOre boring weekends. YaEEEEEEeee!!!!!

BLAckBurn won their first match!!!!

Slow, slowly

Its 1 full week without update :P. Reasons were not that there was no time to update but it should be more with nothing to update.

Uneventful week since @H MIng now is out of job. No plans for him to get another one anytime soon bah. According to his thinking, he plans get one FULL TIME job after October or the exams. That's when he will be having the most free time (he will be left with only 1 module to go). For the moment he is lost to really, seriously think of the future plan coz its a bit of hanging half way now for him. :///

Ok some meeting of the 'old' frenz here n there. Still they are doing well. They survived and still going. Not much catch up done coz @H MIng did not stayed ' long enough ' to chit chat with them.

GIve me some ADVISE

For a moment, I am officially out of job. Last THursday was my last day but everything did not stop only until Sunday. The hassle of handling over. The boss had to know what was left then what was loss, what was low in stock, where was the things kept and so on. It should all be done very easily but dunno why it turned out to be a little complicated. owell its none of my biz anymore.

REsted for a few days now, i think i have enough of it also. The sudden change to slower pace made myself seem to have nothing to do except for the assignements. Still the assignements are so 'CHIM', still i cannot get it, still i dunno what i am writing also. I am wondering if i am so dumb.

I was at home most of the time after last day at work. Went NUH for an appointment and reach home at around 5 plus. Never went out till next day. Slept till late afternoon, then went IKEA Alexandera with family. They are having a renovation. A bit messy but still managable, you still find what you want in its rightful place. THe already scarce carpark is also on renovation.

i slept most of the Sunday away. Waking up for breakfast and dinner only. Dinner was really a filling one. Had dinner with family at Sakura Jurong West Sport Complex. It was mixed cusine in buffet style. JApese as its main, topped with bits of dim sum, finger food, pizza, bbq???....... The food tasted good but i cannot eat much. HAlf way into the food i Stopped and feel my head getting 'heavy'.

As for MOnday, i sleep it away still. I think i am becoming a hopeless guy.

"Never did I forget it. Never did I try also. Never did I grab that opportunity. I was given that chance, I had fear, I had insecurity, i hesitated, then I just let it go. It was an emotion struggle for me after. I felt helpless, I felt miserable. I had to learn to accept it. I was told to give up. I somehow was also telling myself to give up but deep down I did not. I still subconsciously try to get back at it and it was neither a success nor was it faliure. There was no...... progress."

Almost dead week

Goodday Everyone. I hope everyone had a good week. I, myself, got nothing much to report. Just some normal days, getting on with the norm. It was always home, work, home.

Some adjustments needed cause I am now free on weekends and by the end of the month I am not working at the current job anymore. Most probably and lets cross our fingers and pray hard it happens. " Let go and leave for the better " I supposed. I really can't wait for the coming week. I can't wait to stop working there, though I may still patronize.

I had not being visiting frens recently, I find (only the usual 3 at weekend). I don really call them also. Beginning to lose touch with them already. I dunno how to explain but I still see no form of better communication then talking to people face to face. The reactions, the body languages, the facial expressions.....

Location of school's changed. It had now change to the SPRing Singapore building in Redhill. Nearer now to home. The building at Bugis still remain property of SMa but courses offered there will be from MUrdoch UNiversity only.

Shall end here

NO one to blame

RESULTs of exams are out and it went as expected. I failed one of the module and yes its the one which the bloody school lost my assignment and told me Two weeks AFTER exams.

Extended graduation i supposed. THere goes my 2000++ bucks also.

I can blame no one.

Banks of US

I think everyones' heard about the US bank closed down. I find it ridiculous for the bank to suddenly closed loh, even so it happened in other countries ( i think most was in Brazil). THe Bank name should be IndyMac BanCorp. ONe of the biggest retail bank in US somemore.

The other 'Potential' may be Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. They are the top US lender. They guarantee almost half of all US home loans. To me they are more suited to be 'finance company'. It was rumoured that they are having trouble raising funds. This will cause a chain of reaction. First, they will reduce the loans out, or even stop. Then upon news of trouble, investors stop buying into the loans or bonds they guarantee. These pushes rates up (they held almost 50% remember?). Less and less will borrow from them. Over the long term, they will be out of biz sooner or later. The failure of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae could could make it harder for consumers to borrow in all forms also.

" Denial and Evasion, one would blame others for the mistakes they made. There is the responsiblity and the consequences, unable to recognise it would mean repeating the same mistakes again. "

People don really noe how appreciate what's impt or precious until they lost it

The week's over and it's tiring over the week. A bit of chaotic but more or less solved. I am not working over the weekend (finally!!!). Some off days for me now.

Its the start of the new semester now. So now my schedule is now going to be 9 to 5 for weekend studies and 7 to 10 at night for weekdays' studies. ya and its back to square one. At least for the month of July.

Met Ah Shun earlier of the day. We had dinner together. We did not meet for months already. He did not change much. Still the same old buddy. He told me i grew more matured ( DID i ? :)))

SO for tomolo, I think it's going to be a bit of pack for me. Meeting all the doctors in the morning then Some servicing of PCs in the afternoon, then i think there should be one mahjong session at night if not wrong ( movie date was cancelled and so this will be the next program).

I heard that grandma's not feeling well and not going well anymore. I dunno what but be prepare for the worst.

The Key to UNlock

I don think my boss quite get what I said to him. I told him I am quitting but I don see any actions from him. He does not even try to find a person to take over.

First let me explain why i quitting. I got scolded weather I done it right or wrong. My working style is not compatible to his also. I was 'trained' to use whatever is available to maximize usage, he is the spending type, which means anything that he needed but not available need to be ordered or buy. I myself is also getting impatient working for him already.

After some time working there, i find that the boss does not trust pple easily. IMpatient also. He is one who when doing something gets everybody busy. Meaning he needed pple to clear up after him.

ok enough about that. I don think it can get explained so easily.

The week's not great for me. I was lost a bit here. Mentally a bit of gan jon also. Maybe I on some stress. I think i need some rest and some relax.

The days remained boring as usual. Nothing of interest lately. Although I still see alot of new stuffs, it is nothing different from the older things. Juz some technology upgrade. Some comfort here, is that customers still come back looking for me for a chat or should I consider them as frenz now.

let the others give some advise

"When things does not seem right, its time to give it up. There is no point to keep hugging on it, praying and hoping it will turn for the good. It will be even worst off to even think that the situations will be getting better after putting in some "brilliant" ideas. Do not get sink in too deep and never get out. Listen to the others. Give others and yourself a chance to see if it is correct in the first place. There has to be a point where everyone will agree upon. "

HAve YOUr say, Have mY say

The weekend's here. I am not going work for later of the day (its now sunday morning). It's a long time since I have a decent break.

So 1 week's over now since I told the boss that I am quitting. And I think I am not going to leave anytime soon. He cannot find a replacement. The week's also disastrous for me. Its hell when you sit down there doing nothing (cannot slp also). I have to try all ways to myself busy and its a bit of tiring.

There are still weeks before lesson starts. The usual I got no results yet. Not much confident for the results of this sem becoz of those crop of errors. Assignments got some problems also. Anyway I more or less decided that I am not going to stop after the degree. I WANT TO GO FOR FURTHER STUDIES. I am going no where with the degree also. SO now the Million Dollar Questions will be: How am I going to do that?, Where to do it? Overseas or Local?, When Am I going for it? What Specialization?

ONe of the days

I am more or less lax today. Not much reasons, cannot be explained also. The day seems easy on me today.

The family are celebrating my nephew FIRST birthday on Sunday and they are like preparing for it already. Buffet was ordered (i think). Then dunno why drinks and others like fruits and serving plates were also bought. All should be provided by the catering bah (thats what i though so).

Anyway it will be held at one of the rooms at the new stadium in Jurong West. I dunno how it look like now, never ever step in since the opening :P.

So It is Exactly one week since I start the REAL Forex Trading. Enormous experience for me. It's really not for the faint hearted. You have to be very mentally strong cause its trading with real cash. Your thoughts will Actually run wild when you see yourself losing bit by bit and definitely psychologically affected. On the other hand, Greed will take over if there is money to be made. You will hold and keep pressing for more and ultimately lose track of your own motives and targets. Advise is to trade with care.

" What does it mean when you don't see a person for some time and you start to think about him or her? "

What and what and what what

I dunno when I dread staying home. I had though everything will change after some time but it remained the same. It was wonderful in the first place. Everything was perfect. As time went by, things started getting chaotic. What problems, what history, all surfaced. It IS NOw BAck to Square ONe. For a Fact, NOthing is perfect and NOthing Last long. I dunno what to do. I am totally lost. I have to try and avoid it. I don wan to see it happen again. It makes me feel sad. I dunno if I should just move out on my own now. It will become a burden and yes definitely.

bad week

UPdate for the days past days.

I was not feeling well from monday. A bad start for the wk. Laid in bed for 2 whole days before finally able to get up. quite serious. I got GOut attack, plus fever plus vomitting and passing water through the asshole :P. All at one go very bad. I was like dying. But surprise!!! surprise!!!. Everyone was like know what happen and called me if i was feeling ok. Haha Thks.

I finally get to try trding the forex with REAL money now. Sure was heart thumping. You see the money in account getting ups and downs like roller coaster ride. ONe mistakes and gone the money.

The most frustrating msg i got was from one of my lecturer. He said he did not recieved one of the assignements. So ya 2 wks after the exam and something not receive may be equals Failing grade. Where's all the points now?

much unhappies

its a bit of stressful over the week. Things don seem to go smoothly as expected.

The exams' over. Left with the last few modules. As the course is coming to an end, my stress level build up. Partly cause due to 'some' unknown future. Yap and its totally getting all over.

Life @ work nowadays don seem enjoyable. I am quitting soon also And its probably the next day. NO point continuing already since there is no understandable situations. There are choices but people chose to not see, hear or tok about it.

tHE hardest is to Be Easy

This is the beginning of the official term break. So I guess 1 month from now, I am going no lecture rooms or classrooms bah.

May have to make use of this so called last term break (maybe???) to really think about what to do after graduation. I don really have a plan still. I still cannot give an answer to what I am going to do after that. Sound a bit useless hoh...

" I am in a situation where I am lost. I am doing the same things as others, but I am doing no better than them. All necessities, all things needed are provided, I am provided with the most help possible and others are willing to help also and giving ideas but nothing got done in the most fashionable ways. People are losing patients, losing interests and maybe even hope. The words said in the beginning are not going to be fulfilled as easily as it is. Maybe its just my wishful thinking that things are going to be easy. "

Hanging on a string

tHIS is the exam week. I donno what to say but juz don let me fail any of it.

i am very very very very very very tired also. I needed energy drinks to keep myself awake. I need the caffeine. I need whatever it can keep me awake now.

noT MYself recently

Life does not always happen to be the same as fantasy. There are ups and downs and does not guarantee a happy ending. Sometimes you may have to do more to get what you want, sometimes less. There are even times when no matter what you do, you still cannot get what you want.

SO Much, SO MAny

This is the Sat early morning and I am still not sleeping. its nearly 2 am already.

I am not able to get a good nite slp recently also. Usually waking in the middle of the nite and could not get to slp until at least till the light was on. I could feel tiredness but slping was a problem.

Maybe sometime we cannot take things for granted. There are things that still concern you even if you bor chap about it (Ah Bing, you are rite...). Things seem perfect for a start but as the time goes all will be in chaos. I tried to avoid it, I tried pretend not to see it, I tried to ignore it, i tried not to think about it. All does not seem to be working and it drained me out a lot making me more and more tired.

I have got so much to tok and so much to say but I juz could not get it out in words.


ok I am back for a proper update now. I will explain whats going on the past days in the first place bah.

The following was what happened during my disapperance online.

The Laptop by MSI which was with me went down. It took me I think about week to get it fixed. It was send back to the HQ for repair. After the repair i decided to sell it away coz someone showed an interest in it and i have no wish to continue with the problematic laptop anymore. That left me without a laptop for another week. SOLDED for A loss for almost a thousand dollars.

After that I got one from TOSHIBA. Few days later, another fren showed interested in it. Unsatisfied with the performance I sold it to him at a small profit. hehe i got discounted laptops and lobang from SIM LIM. That left me without a proper device to online for days again. In the end, i got my latest device from ACER and it will remain with me for a long long time unless it failed or quit working.

I am behind time from many things already. There are unfinished assignments, unread mails, updates...... Exams coming also. Particularly I will be doomed if i don have a proper device for me to go online for all the pending work.

Life @ work is a bit hard to catch up for me. Things of IT are going too fast already. They have new products almost everyday and the pricings of the gagets changes by the day. Still not easy for me.