tHE hardest is to Be Easy
This is the beginning of the official term break. So I guess 1 month from now, I am going no lecture rooms or classrooms bah.
May have to make use of this so called last term break (maybe???) to really think about what to do after graduation. I don really have a plan still. I still cannot give an answer to what I am going to do after that. Sound a bit useless hoh...
" I am in a situation where I am lost. I am doing the same things as others, but I am doing no better than them. All necessities, all things needed are provided, I am provided with the most help possible and others are willing to help also and giving ideas but nothing got done in the most fashionable ways. People are losing patients, losing interests and maybe even hope. The words said in the beginning are not going to be fulfilled as easily as it is. Maybe its just my wishful thinking that things are going to be easy. "