There are many ways to connect with someone you want to build a relationship with. Choose the areas of your life that could help everything come together in a more satisfying way.
Been trying to get the layout of the page to change a bit for 2 days. it shld be finished by just a few hrs of time but to my surprise, things chnged in IE don tally with Mozilla or so much so.
tried out using firefox n ended up messing it even worst. i keep getting the aligment out even with the 'fresh new templete' provided. So i had to 'Force' it in to the broswer LOl. ended up i added some bars to it to make it work. Scripts don really work in both IE n Firefox.
i got my very Old ICQ account working again also. hahaha the acc's still working after so many yrs of inactiveness!!!!! but i think no one uses ICQ now so no pt lah. MSN's the preferred now.
So about what i have been doin the last days. i think more or less the same. Nothing much special about it. Mr Flu is with me for the days so i layed dead also.
Yesterday went KBox at JE with the same group as last wks. We have some habit lately to try n meet up on late Sat n go places. its good to meet up once a wk to catch up a bit.
N lesson's starting in A WEEK TIme!!!!! The HOrrible nites sitting at the 'cold' rooms starting again!!!!!! haha but the least i am getting things to do rather then wreaking the brain on where to find entertainment.
Lesson may be starting soon but results not out yet tsk tsk....... some 'GOOD' adminstration loh n they still have the cheek to ask us to buy text before the lesson starts. i am going BroKE buying the TEXt!!!!!!
My Starhud box quits on me!!! SHIT!!! i am going to miss matches!!!!