It's important to let people know that you love them for who they are.
Humm.... it's a messy day at work today. Total Chaos too. can't find this, can't find that. not enough of this, not enough of that.
everyone was totally lost. i was busy throughout. helping them whatever i can. yap, i was also the errand boy for the day. i run betwn IMM n CHevrons several times to get things needed.
a bit of stress also. i was handle the task to update the account bks. i am not very good with numbers.
that's it for today. new task new things to learn so be prepare for the challenge.
'The most impt is for you to be happy always. Lending you the shoulder when needed. The need to see you in person is impt but not always needed. it's enought to know that you are still alrite. its best to see u smiling always. ' - A Simple Guy's Wish