Been trying to get the layout of the page to change a bit for 2 days. it shld be finished by just a few hrs of time but to my surprise, things chnged in IE don tally with Mozilla or so much so.
Been trying to get the layout of the page to change a bit for 2 days. it shld be finished by just a few hrs of time but to my surprise, things chnged in IE don tally with Mozilla or so much so.
ok 2 slow slow days have juz passed. the days are getting longer n longer. There does not needed much to do as it appears to. everything was like dragged till the last mins so that everyone appears busy. (hehe sounds very familar) i think anyone will have the habit of doing it also.
it may be slow days now but the storm is brewing coming thur n fri. the 'tea break' thing starting again. rest if i can bah. busy busy days ahead (though its not going to be a chellenge for me hehe).
watch the TV to past time during work. ya there are 2 BIG plasma TV in the foodcourt. 1 programmed at CNA n the other will be at Channel 8.
i think NIke's in the news today. they bought over Umbro (another sportsware group) n Umbro may never appear again in our eyes soon.
Then the robot by HONDA have started running!!!!. Considering its only able to walk n do some simple chores 2 yrs ago, its a big improvement OKay!!!!
we may see the robot more human like in the coming yrs....
shit may eyes feeling very dry today....
' things have come to this very crucial stage that we have to take it real slow and steady in order not to messed it up. It may be difficult but its gonna be needed to give it time to let it fall in place. Taking an anxious and uneasy mind to finish it up will not yield any favourable result. we may even need to take it as it is now, finished whatever there is before going foreward again.' - A Complicated Idea
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Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Went to the much talk about 'Mind Cafe' at Prinsep street with a group of frenz yesterday(sat).
u get to play with the in house board games or intelligence games with a small fee. (billed with timings) not worth the money considering there are already cafes offering board games to customers for free.
food n drinks pricing is a bit on the high side. no interesting menu also. serves mostly pasta. snacks also available.
Noisy and rowdy environment becoz of the games. may even have to raise the voice in order for the other party to hear u. enclosed cafe (aircon), no outdoor area (becoz on second floor).
SO i think u can guess what's my conclusion. People may go becoz of the 'fresh' idea. to visit regularly is not recommanded. For me personally i don think i will go there anytime soon.
oh yah. there are 3 pubs along the way showing LIVE EPL matches on Over HEah Projectors. and they all show the same live match on all 3 screen. Cool huh.
So i got the last mins Liverpool match yesterday there. hahaha Phil Neville was send off becoz he think he is the 'goalkeeper'!!!! everyone was laughing like mad when he dive n deflected the ball away with his hand!!!! Penalty given n kuyt took it to goal. 2-1 to Liverpool (some luck)
' The path ahead was blurred. Doubts and questions were starting to fly. What future holds, no ones knows. Constant reminders were needed that all these were all temporary.'
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Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, October 21, 2007
its Friday!!!!! wkend means rest time!!!!
same old things for me loh. wk, hm, wk, hm........ very boring rite??? not much social life left.... i feel like beginning to lost touch with the social world Lol...
no plans for wkend, alone at hm, lessons not yet started.... haizzzz
but anyway i get to be 'taxi uncle' for the past three days. i have been delivering catering stuffs for the days and now i noe its hard to be a taxi driver. a lot of concentration is needed on the road. 'accidents' do happen if not careful.
' Cash Is King, CreDit is the Best, Car Is a Necessity, ConDo IS a MUST, CAreer is IMpt ' - A BUllshiT Statement
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, October 19, 2007
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, October 15, 2007
ok the wk ended with mixed feelings. As usual there was more unhappiness and disappointments.
Most planned events were not carried out or eventually called off. 2 working at Chevrons suddenly call it quit over the wkend. Someone i noe was gone with the God on Friday. nothing goes smoothly. maybe it's the rule of the the game called 'life'.
anyway i was still enjoying myself over the wkend or maybe so.
went for preview of the movie Brothers. This is no movie for me but hong n Jess seem to enjoy it. there is no beginning n there is no end to it. leave it all to ur imaginations. BUsed hm after n it was about 0230 am.
Woke up at 0615. this time to KUSU Island. it was an outing organised by the telok ayer kopishop. they went there for praying. i juz walk around relaxing. i think i will juz chose to remain neutral from now from all religious. saw the small lonely sea turtle at the lagoon. there was a pair in the lagoon from my last memory.
receive call from boss after we came back to Singapore. he says me n my manager were to rush to Chevrons asap to take over some documents n familarise with the procedures at Chevrons before the 2 are gone. the 2 of us of course did not do so loh. we went for lunch with the rest before taking our time to reach there.
total Chaos. everthing in a mess as expected. so did juz what i can n case closed. then the few of us who were present get to be 'food taster' we got new chef to take over. hehe lucky.
went hm before going out again after the food tasting. it was 2030 already before i met CK n JQ at CCK. after we go pick up Jelene before chiling out at hillview.
the cafe we picked was ULU loh. it is at Hillview. unreachable from any public transport. it some very quite environment. there are only private housing in the surrounding. suitable for small group of frenz. there are not fancy menu. it serves some small dishes n drinks not a place if u want a full course meal.
went for pool session at Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. Its a long time since i touch pool. i think the last time was with JiaSheng n Shifu (months ago liao hehe). i lost concentration towards the end n could not play properly. Hmed 0300. the poor driver have to send us hm one by one.
Met Ah Shun today. we meet Orchard as usual. this boy keep pestering me to bring to pubs. very irritating. he's desperate i think hehehe.
i tried shopping for some clothes but only one polo shirt from Addias got my attention. i did not buy it becoz i still cannot decide which color i want. we also went Vivo. nothing to do over there so juz walk walk have dinner n go our separate way.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Problems are brewing up at the Raffles branch. I met this 'working partner' n he told me that the interpersonal relations among the people working there is getting no better by the day. there have been quarrels among them but its getting out of hand. there are unhappiness among them. the 'boss' does not know yet.
Shld I or Shldn't I speak about it to boss??? I dunno What to do.....
Perhaps I shld not meet him so i will not know about it. Perhaps he's juz trashing out his feelings. Perhaps nothings' actually wrong. Perhaps........ (too many liao)
I was suddenly made out to be the Fire Warden today for Chevrons Food Court. There was this stupid fire drill today at Chevrons. its was then that i realised that i was the Fire Warden for the food court. its very uncommon coz i am only working part time.
Most of us took a stroll to the basketball court during the drill. Some were left behind to continue with the work. Weird fire drill. we get to chose if we want to participate.
everyone get the chance to try out the fire extinguisher. haha i did not try it but i think i am up in the pics cause i was ask to 'pretend' to press on the 'alarm'. haha i thnk i will be up in the mag for Chevrons :P
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, October 12, 2007
today's not a good day. its not going well for me. my mood's juz like the weather of day = gloomy. lost all mood to do anything.
i did not turn up for work at the Raffles branch as told in the morning, went straight to Chevrons instead. Slack some hours away as usual.
Went NUH to collect some docu n was planning to go IKEA after but the weather sort of prevented me from going.
took a nap on reaching hm. had instant noodle for dinner. i don still see MOm hm.
we missed this chance to meet, when will i see your face again
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
ok its already 2 whole days hm alone liao. Mom's not Hm since sunday nite n still not yet back. She went missing.... hahaha maybe i shld call the police already :P (she's staying over at Sis hm)
as usual i survived mostly on fast food n take aways. very typical. cooking for myself is expensive. yap i tried it n it cost more then take aways or maybe i shld juz go into a resturant n order something.
i was also 'sealed' at hm for these 2 horrible days. all windows was closed n doors were shut. i found out only when i cleared all the already dried laundry. the kitchen windows that were covered with all the clothes were shut. when normally its opened even if it rains.
come to think of it, i actually have a passion for cooking. but thinking of the times where i always laugh at those guys taking Hmecon lesson is a bit of funnny. haha nobody will get to taste my cooking unless u happen to be with me when i cook. on the other hand i wish that there is someone who would appreciate it. very contradicting.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, October 07, 2007
A day juz ended for me.... so one more day before the wk start all over again. (haha i juz reach hm)
was hm for most of the day. went out only at 5 plus. the birthday boy (Hong) cannot decide where to go for his dinner. we actually planned going Redhill for some food but was change to Bugis for steamboat dinner.
went playing arcade games at Bugis while waiting for LOng. the place was crowded loh not like wkdays where its usually empty. hahaha get to challenge some 'Homeground' guys there. some struggling here n there. there was also a bit of audience behind me.(paiseh leh)
i think i saw the girl in the pics at Bugis. (haha very drama liked hoh??) i don think she noe me bah.... :P
shifted to Cineleisure after the dinner. had wanted to watch some movies but only left with front seats n the rest is too late so did not watch it. So the few idiots went playing games again at the 4th floor. it was not until 3 before we stop n decide its home sweet hm.
so its going to be a new wk ahead. wreak the head on what to do bah Lol
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Exercise your power by imagining yourself the way you want to be, not as you are
Hah!!! hows this???!!! my new so call skin/templete!!! i purposely spent a FEW hours doing it leh.... (i still cannot understand most of the script used)
its one wk since lesson ends liao.... i was like suddenly got too much time on hand. still not used to idleing life. my adjusting ability is a bit slow at times.
nothing much for the wk. most of the days was juz btween hm and workplace. did went bugis on Wed. nothing much to do since alone. went to the campus for enrolment of the mondules for coming Nov. Result not yet out but enrol new modules first, very weird.
followed Hong to PArkway on thurs to meet his GF. haha i am the lightbulb :p.... we had chicken rice for dinner. taste very good, cheap also. environment is the downside (hawkercentre). All in all 5 star rating food 2 star surrounding.
usual for friday lah.... the 'abracadabra' thing will alway be in effect. no mood to do anything except relax
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Saturday, October 06, 2007
haha good rest over the wkend. felt rejuvenated. i was mentally fatigue for the whole wk.
the statistic exam on friday was totally a flop. i think i did badly. never get to understand what the questions are toking about. i may fail it.
Sign..... juz wait for the result bah...
Met my longtime Prof and Social Worker during the wkend in NUH. its never good to see the Prof. coz i always have to do some test for her whenever i see her.
As for the social worker, i think it depends on situation bah. i see her as my counsellor. sometimes i tok to her more than i tok to my family members. weird rite??? but i think its better this way. when she is in the mood to tok then i think better not tok to her. she can tok for the whole hour over 1 question. but no choice coz i never noe what is her mood for the day so i am always at her mercy :)
they also asked me some questions which i dunno how to answer. (yes i meet the both of them together). i am still thnking about it.
Owell... its the start of the so call holidays. so still work minus lessons. shld be a relaxing wk ahead. work at the Chverons so its going to be a wondering time. wonder here, wonder there, EVeryWhere!!!! ;P
Read these over some webpages see if it applies to u.
- New college students often believe that they will not be able to form friendships and that no one at school cares about them. The friendships they make don’t seem as intimate as their high school friendships were.
- We can be alone yet not lonely; sometime we want and need solitude. On the other, we can be surrounded by people and feel desperately lonely
there is actually some truth in it. i was somehow still in contact with friends from secondary school but not anyone from poly anymore. those from poly is like lost somewhere in memories. then the other statment is true to some extend also. we may be surrounded by pple but still find something missing. feelings that u cannot explain.
no matter what i still did not forget you pple around me.
Thanks for everything, let me see that smile always
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, October 01, 2007