Time: 1 Month
It'sSSSS one month now at work. There's the bad and the good. Bad thing is, I get very boring with just a few customers a day. Normally I get no more then ten buying. The good is that I get a lot of free time. I got the time to do some of the school stuff there also ;)...
Some things learned there was that the prices of the PC stuffs changes every week. New gadgets were introduced every week also. Its too fast that sometimes I can't even keep up. And some more suppliers don get enough stock to supply the whole Singapore. Just imagine you get only 100 sets of a particular keyboard just for Singapore. Sounds more like a limited edition kind of thing and its considered lucky to just get one of those loh.
There were some Singaporeans that were too rich that they donno where to their money also. They can actually get 2 sets of PC for own self use and somemore its not those cheap cheap ones loh. There were also people like myself who are willing to spent big money to make the PC look good and then squeeze every juice out of the PC to get the best performance with the least money :P.
Anyway my work there is somehow settled and going. It's time to think of how to get the sales going.