Doing something nice for someone else will help you feel good about yourself in a whole new way.
YES!!!! i completed the last paper for my lesson!!!! haha the end of misery for the time being until everything begin to repeat itself one month later.
Holidays for me now.... i don really look forward to holidays nowdays already.... there was nothing to do except work. i seemed to be always the one with time to spare during these days. veri horrible to spend days with nothing to look forward to u plans for those days yet also.
with me now enrolled in a degree course, my bro-in-law will be taking degree in finance after his bridging course. My cousin will be joining the same school for a Dip in BA. haha its like a whole bunch of idiots studying together. free ride home from nxt sem if they got sama time slot as me lol. they got the machines!!!!
Went for a dinner with Chunkiang, Cheekuan n Jelene yesterday at The Clap Resturant along UPPER BUKIT TIMAH ROAD. Passby the resturant many times but never dine in there before.
not very accessible with public transport considering only buses n not MRT reach the place. Buses that reached are only from BP n CCK or i think perhaps also 1 from BB. there are a few resturant down there. all seems good to me. relax environment, good ambience.... its got many of the points that i look for in a resturant.
food at the clap resturant is not bad but not the best. actually some hawker centre serve better tasting food.
Enjoyable dinner i would say. there is not enough time to catch up on what we individual was doing though. (we met around 9 pm for the dinner) ya we still needed to consider the working time for each other.
Shit holidays' coming, no plans for it yet...........
ok first thing first Sept 24th Wenbing birthday. HAppy Birthday AH BIng!!!!!..
Second thing its the moon cake festival !!!! ahaha nothing to be excited about......but it made me remember what i alway did during the festival. ITS THE ONLY DAY WHERE U OFFICIALLY PLAY WITH FIRE W/OUT BEING SCOLDED.
i always dig some holes in the ground (if i got the time), put in some metal stuff to retain the melting candle oil to keep the fire burning for longer time. find whatever can be burned for the burning fire. (ya my lantern was alway the first to go into those holes). after a while u get some nice burning holes. some would turn into a small campfire if not careful :P...
everyone's bit of ganjong this morning at work. not sure why coz i onli reached at 9++ haha. i didn't bother to ask also ;P . got my own stuffs to settle.
Sometime i am wondering why i can still remain so 'motionless'seeing all the commotions going on. but i think i can explain that i prefer to settle things calmly rather than making everyone anxious. i got complains that i seemed unconcerned when things got wrong also. it may be the look on my face that made them thnk that way bah. haha dunno how to explain leh....
got some msges from SIs telling me to join some networking things. haha i thnk its a joke on me..... its the same old things which i did few years ago. i tried asking her to do it but she refused it flatly n now this thing happens.
its a people reco people things n selling products at the same time. i regret doing it. ya totally. i messed up many relationships becoz of it. its not worth the doing.... there was nothing in return..
aiyah forget that. there more things to look forward then to remember about those.....
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, September 24, 2007
Humm....sthing happened today at work. it shld be a small matter the pple shld juz cover it. (the rice not fully cooked). Since there is no complain from the customers.
ya difficult people in play. A simple task become a very difficult one with how they do it. things got worst that it goes all the way to the boss. making them come all the way juz to solve the problem.
Sianzz..... complete lost of mood to work with those pple.
forget about that bah... not worth to get mooody about it.
We pple are a bunch of complex creatures. on one hand, we tell ourselves to not do this and not do that. on the other, we did it unconsciously.
we pple are somewhat the same in nature. we tend to hold onto things that could be long forgotten. we often fail to look at whats in front of us, there is tendencies for us to keep looking back. therefore missing the golden opportunity in front of us.
we yearn to see each other, seek company of the other someone. there is a problem though. the communications btween may be weaken by some barriers. there lacks courage of speaking up, fear of being reject. the timing n place n maybe the occassion for the right words. the many situational factors.
we are some pple who are afraid of loneliness also. most of the time we seek company with some 'outer space frens' n our family members. we never truly get to meet the pple who we really want to see. the ones who we misses very much.
Some msg gotten lately. dunno if its for me. but there is no reason to give up now. a baby step is a gigantic step.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, September 21, 2007
Sthing's wrong these days but i can't explain what is it... the feelings' juz there. There are pressure everywhere. i feel like the meat in between the burgers.
Everything's fine. work, home, studies..... no problems or at least does not give me the headahce. AnyONe PLease be kind to enlighten me...
Stayed up till late also. can't seem to get much sleep. its the only time where nobody get to bother u. the only time which i feel calm.
there is not much of quiteness late at nite if would juz do nothing and listen. concentrate a bit n there are things u will hear not from the day. like ur HEART speaking to you.....
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Thursday, September 20, 2007
wokeup by a call today. have been getting morning calls nowadays i wonder why those pple don get more rest.
it was from my boss reminding me to report to Chevron for work. he said that there will be catering for 40++ pple so muz be there early to prepare. big affair haha. it like his catering bizness depending on tomolo outcome.
as usual, it took a long time for me to get going. i was still sleepy after the call. went doozing off again after the call. i was like slept at 6am trying to do the last assignment for the sem.
woke up at around 2pm. wash up slack here n there a bit. some programs playing on the tv but could not care to watch it. Blast the music in my room until someone complaint its too loud. so went out for some fresh air.
slow stroll to the MRT station n could not decide where to go. but still i took it JE. went to the library see see look look. no particular book or readings to look for. went IMM after also. i found a HK named dunno what bay hidding at the a corner of the second floor. the menu looks good. but it look more like a western restaurant from the menu. Check it out bah. should be a good one from the look. i not yet taste the food.
went back JP again. decide to walk walk around before going hm. to my surprise i met my bro-in- law and sis and my 3 little newphew. they grew really fast!!!! or maybe its becoz i did not see them for i think a month already bah. we part after a little chat. i got my bread for dinner. i very poor leh..
Life's full of uncertainties. MOst of the time u also never get to know what it really means, what it is trying to tell u. time is needed to adjust to it and to understand it. People tend to get insecure or annoyed because they may need to take a hell of time to understand it. Many may even give up halfway in due.
in the social context, we are to give ourselves some time to take things one by one. we cannot push things to far till that its stretch to the limit. we may not get the opportunity to reclaim whats supposed to be ours if the limit juz breaks away.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Its was the last lesson for the term yesterday. the dramatic quake which took place makes the end of it. i will always remember the last lesson with the quake.
Sort of not in the mood to touch anything about my studies for the moment. i dunno why the feeling juz there (hope its not lasting too long, the exam coming up)
not in the mood to go hm after work today. my legs naturally bring me to Vivo. (took 188 outside chevron and off to Vivo without stopping). walk around aimlessly. went to the rooftop and slack. maybe u can say there is much needed quietness before tasks begin pouring in. (i was there staring into space for at least 20 mins).
there are constrction at the Coastline of Sentosa. i think its for the coming IR bah. major recontructions are taking space.
went to Central for some socialisation. I find that i was beginning to lost grip of social life recently (work, hm,sch and hm again.) it actually feels good to see the familar faces n tok to them personally. its some feelings u can never experience over the virtual world.
technology may have make the world smaller but its pulling interaction between pple apart. u never get to see the expression on a person, the body language, feel the warmth and hear the voices.
i agree with the msg that there are not enough communcation among us now...or maybe its me who have been avoiding and afraid to answers to some question.
Caught a glimsp of the result of England against Russia on the paper. Owen scored 2 goals !!!! haha we still cannot write him off for now. he still got the instinct for goals. This is going to secure himself the place in the NAational squad as well as the a starting lineup in the club.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, September 14, 2007
Work today's not good today. Everyone's seem to be in bad mood. its kind of hard to work in this situation. i got no ideas what is going on.
took 197 to Bugis after work today. too much time to spare liao. (lesson starts only at 7pm) ended up slping on the bus all the way until GM called to get contact number for Dessert Auntie.
There was earthquake at 8 ++ ??? initially i thought i was fainting from hunger. (haha i did not have dinner before going for lesson). then i realised it was not only me that felt dizzy. the building was shaking also. My first earthquake experience :P..
England's up against Russia. Lets see if Eng can fend off the In form team for the moment. Russia's performance better recently when compare to England.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Personality refers to the enduring patterns of thought, feeling and behavior that are expressed in different circumstances.Personality psychologists study both the structure of personality (the organisation or patterning of thoughts, feelings and behaviors) and individual difference in dimensions of personality.
Cognitive-social theories argue for the importance of encoding, personal value, expectancies, competancies, and self-regulation in personality. the schemas people use to encode and retrive social information play an important role in personality.
Personal value refers to the importance of individual attach to various outcomes. Expectancies are expectations relevant to desired outcomes. A behavior-outcome expectancy is a belif that a certain behavior will lead to a particular outcome. Competences are skills and abilities used to solve problems.
Self-regulation means setting goals, evalutating performance and adjusting behaviors to achieve goals in the context of ongoing feedback. Cognitive-social theories view personality as problem solving to attain goals.
Kind of not in the mood today. i was told to help out in the kitchen for the time being. 1 of the kitchen helper is transferred from Jurong to the Raffles Place branch. So that means more work loh (sigh...). back to square one again. lol complicated work for now.
People alway say Singapore is a small country with a small population but u don seem to meet pple u noe on the street that often. Consider that 2 person frequent or go to the same place for the day but never seem to meet anywhere. weird rite???
things may not be easy but it will get sort of done or solved somehow or at least. (haizz still very complicated). i am lost for words. i dunno how to explain myself.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Rest day for me today. Same same like what i used to do.. Slp slp slp. haha rest day is always the catch up for slp that lack behind during the wk :p.
Kind of finish most of the assignments. Exams in the way now. its kind of hard to imagine that i am already finishing the first year!!!! i am actually still blurish on what i have been studying leh. don really understand most of the lesson. step by step now. its going to be on my own.
work in Chevrons is kind of easy but boring leh. nothing left for me after making all the drinks except wait...... therefore i get to loft all i want. no complaints haha.
watched England's match against the Israel. the final score come to 3-0.
first goal through Mr Right Field (Phillips). then the No. 2 goal came from the in-form Shorty Striker, Owen. A spectacular goal from juz outside the penalty box. probably the best goal of the match. the third is from Richards. He head in the final goal into the net thanks to the confusion from the corner. A deserved win for England with all the efforts put in.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Nothing can add more power to your life than concetrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. - NIDO QUBEIN
Language acquisition is the process by which the language capability develops in a human.
Second language acquisition is the process by which people learn languages in addition to their native languages. It is language learned after early childhood.
Cognitive linguistic involves the understanding of language creation, learning and usage.
Factors that affect second language acquisition include environmental, and the need and goal.
Environment factors such as the learner’s peers and home support will affect how an individual learn a second language. The peers and home support often affect the learner’s abilities for second language because they were the ones that the learners interact with the most.
The need and goals of the learner would depict how fast the language will be acquired. It may be for usage in another country or for communication among people who does not know its own languages.
In Andreou, G., Vlachos, F. and Andreou, E. (2005) research, they state that females performed better than males in syntax and semantics which is explained by the general female superiority on verbal tasks based on differences in hemispheric specialization for language functions between the sexes.
In fact some studies have shown that some psychological functions are processed by one side of the hemisphere. The left hemisphere as shown in Luis Hertz-Pannier et al (2002) study is respond for language acquisition. Whereas there are cases where language related network may shift to the right hemisphere for example after a brain operation. The right side of the brain takes over some language functions.
Although left and right brain have its own coordinated functions, there can be times where the functions overlapped. The brain remains a complicated myth as no studies can explain its overall functions.
its amazing sometimes to know how a person can leave such a deep impression in u that u cannot easily forget. it does not matter if the timing is short or its the small little help u got from. that particular can juz make the spark between the 2 of u.
Life's a bit of boring these few days. work, school, home. thats the norm for me.
a bit of change in the nature of work. i was ask to make drinks for catering. meaning make many many drinks at one go loh. work destination will be Cheveron. (haha near hm leh!!!!) for those who dunno its located near the IMM.
met Albert today also. he is now safety supervisior of some company (forget to ask the name of the company). hahaha he will be the one instructing those blangadash to do work!!!!
Planning to go PS to look for AhDi. dunno if i will be able to make it.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Chelsea is boring this season. playing very defensively.
Arsenal looks very promising but its depth of the squad will give it the problems in future.
Liverpool will be a very serious title contender among the big 4. still its too early to say anything.
Yawn... i am tired. more than 12 hrs at work today
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, September 03, 2007
Peer pressure is a term describing the pressure exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change their attitude, behaviour and/ or moral.
A person affected by peer pressure may, or may not want to belong to the social group that they are in. They may also recognize dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely concerning that group's behaviors.
The three main forms of peer pressure will be as follow:
1. Youth Peer Pressure.
2. Financial Peer Pressure.
3. Expert Peer Pressure.
Different groups have different norms or rules to which group members adhere to. This can be to do with behavior, attitude, dress, language, etc. The degree to which other people adhere to the rules indicates their desire to be a group member.
Members who conform strongly are core group members who are asserting the identity of the group, or peripheral members who are trying to impress the core members, perhaps to be accepted into the 'inner circle' . People outside the group may similarly emulate group members either to seek admission to the group or to form an admiring group who are seeking to gain some reflected glory.
The strength of desire to conform is a personality trait whereby some people will try to conform to whatever group they are in at the time, whilst other 'non-conformists' will go in the other direction, deliberately asserting their individuality by rejecting all but a very few sets of norms.
Some groups are mutually exclusive, where the rules of one group are that you are not a member of specific other groups. Gangs and families are an example, as are political parties and different religions.
haha i am going to be a man on mission for a few days. (at least on Sunday) There is this new HK Cafe opening up at PS. i will be the one who will be setting up for them. its actually a sudden callup. (haha sound like the army mobilisation!!!) Beep... beep.... calling for @h Ming...
So hope to see everyone there. i will be in action for the first operation day ( 2 Sept 2007) as for the rest remains in questions.
i am tired was at the restaurant the whole day today.......
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, September 02, 2007