SO Much, SO MAny
This is the Sat early morning and I am still not sleeping. its nearly 2 am already.
I am not able to get a good nite slp recently also. Usually waking in the middle of the nite and could not get to slp until at least till the light was on. I could feel tiredness but slping was a problem.
Maybe sometime we cannot take things for granted. There are things that still concern you even if you bor chap about it (Ah Bing, you are rite...). Things seem perfect for a start but as the time goes all will be in chaos. I tried to avoid it, I tried pretend not to see it, I tried to ignore it, i tried not to think about it. All does not seem to be working and it drained me out a lot making me more and more tired.
I have got so much to tok and so much to say but I juz could not get it out in words.