ok I am back for a proper update now. I will explain whats going on the past days in the first place bah.
The following was what happened during my disapperance online.
The Laptop by MSI which was with me went down. It took me I think about week to get it fixed. It was send back to the HQ for repair. After the repair i decided to sell it away coz someone showed an interest in it and i have no wish to continue with the problematic laptop anymore. That left me without a laptop for another week. SOLDED for A loss for almost a thousand dollars.

After that I got one from TOSHIBA. Few days later, another fren showed interested in it. Unsatisfied with the performance I sold it to him at a small profit. hehe i got discounted laptops and lobang from SIM LIM. That left me without a proper device to online for days again. In the end, i got my latest device from ACER and it will remain with me for a long long time unless it failed or quit working.

I am behind time from many things already. There are unfinished assignments, unread mails, updates...... Exams coming also. Particularly I will be doomed if i don have a proper device for me to go online for all the pending work.
Life @ work is a bit hard to catch up for me. Things of IT are going too fast already. They have new products almost everyday and the pricings of the gagets changes by the day. Still not easy for me.