Nothing stops you to persue your goals. The only one who can is only you yourself.
Its been more then a wk since i update the blog.
my desktop went down again. this time its the mainboard. (one by one the wares goes) never bother to fix it liao.
Went looking for the 'perfect' laptop n finally got one from a brand MSI. (Taiwan PC brand)
The specs as follows
PROCESSOR : Intel Core 2 @ 1.83GHz Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset
RAM : 1 GB
OS : Windows Vista Home Basic
comes with norm like USB port, Card reader, Dvd etc.... no Camera :(
the days without a pc is hard for me. No entertainment at hm. the only entertainment is from TV. (sigh)
For some reasons i have lost confident in myself. work then home, the same happen the next day. life's boring. i don really remember whats going on. on the fatigue side also. i have not really rested for the past wks. there was work for me everyday. legs were weak n unable to withstand the hrs of walking here n there.
thoughts n worries were bugging me all the time. makes me irritated stimes. i desperately need some toking to but ....... agreements made too, not some difficult tasks.. juz some deadlines.... told to try best..... pushed to the limit..... tired...... strezzed.......i would like to make good my agreement/promise also.
my new address is out also so feel free to visit. it will be at Jurong West Blk 621, 3rd floor unit 472. See u around.
The return from your work must be the satisfaction which that work brings you and the world's need of that work. With this, life is heaven, or as near heaven as you can get. Without this - with work you despise, which bores you, and which the world does not need - this life is hell -- W.E.B DUBOIS
Aiyoh today i met with something u cannot believe.
Took the bus to MRT in the morning. it was about 6am when i board. Saw 2 ermm.... nurse from NP on the bus. i stare at them. they also stare at me. was like they know me or something. smiled to them n they smile back. then half way through the journey they were dead in their seats. hehe they were like leaning against each other n slept.
Got off to the MRT. There is a girl sitting beside me. Guess what? . She leaned on me n fell asleep. i am starting to feel that i look like a pillow......... Some feat.... Tried to move away a bit but she was like completely in coma liao don even wake when i tried pushing her away. :(
Moving out still in progress. I have to do it slowly. too many things n no particular transport that can carry many many at one go.
Same thing goes again. Getting used to new environment. This have to done somehow. coz i have to let go of somethings in order to have a new outcome. i find that i have hold on to things too dearly that makes me lose more. Progress have slowed also n things have turn for the worst. Memories about the past is good but it will be for me to remember only.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i am going to be the kopi boy from 11 june on. Pays better n timing is still the same (7am to 3pm). Better still no work on Sat, Sun n Holidays.
Yes job hopping again. goes wherever pays better. hah i wonder if its right??? its hard getting used to new environment. u have to start all over again. getting to the basics.
May not be able to commit full time taking into consideration of studies. Timing for work at most till 5pm n have to consider some sudden change to schedule.
Nose bleed today. Bleed so suddenly that i thought its running nose. i did not notice until my colleagues told me n i go wipe it off.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Inspiration is more valuable than knowledge - Albert Einstein
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, June 08, 2007
It's not about the time taken. it's not about the distance travelled. It's about the purpose you look forward to.
Die lah. My main Harddisk have gone dead. it went down on 5th June after mins of operations. Does not give me any chance to backup. (Lost many infos) it juz quit working for me so sudddenly. (maybe i got it to load too many lol). anyway its gone now starting with whatever i have now.
Need some time to fix it up. all my wares are antiques already. very hard to find it juz anywhere.
Nthing much happen for me recently. As usual work to numb myself for the moment. i can only wait till July where things may start happening.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, June 08, 2007
Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance - ST FRANCIS OF ASSISS
Its been one wk since first day of work. i'm still trying to adapt to it. still unable to get the timing right. My free time seems more now but still unable to tahan. wake up early (0530) to get to work.
i enjoyed the work there but still its too far. get along with everyone well.
a bit of blurred these few days, due to lack of slp. got some slping problems coz of blocked nose.
my pc is calling it quits soon. the tower is protesting to me giving out loud roaring sound n sometimes refused to boot. i have it work very hard for at least 5 yrs already. very soon it will juz say bye bye.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, June 04, 2007
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Saturday, June 02, 2007