The more is given, the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work, the more their poverty will increase - Leo Tolstoi
Today is a bad day for me. Unlce Flu has come looking for me. Some of the withdrawals include Nose blocked, Cannot slp well. The worst of all toking rubbish at work in the morning. everyone was looking at me weirdly. no one knows what i was toking about.答非所问. questions was shoot at me but i only ans them indirectly. Some look fed up and annoyed. i only become more normal towards the afternoon like always. (engine warmed up)
Better is bread with a happy heart then wealth with vexation
So what for today.... ya its my first day at work. its a completely new experience for me. i will be cooking the noodles. got the chance to use the wok to cook also. Interesting to me. a bit lost for the day. could not get the momentum going.
Congratulate me!!!!!! hehehe.....
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Poverty has nothing to do with money and that money does not always produce wealth. Wealth is what a person knows, and that the more people knows, the richer they will feel...
i realised that i am in town everyday from thurs onwards. Its kind of becoming a habit to go there liao.
Thursday = Orchard=> PArkway=> Tampines=> Whitesands
Friday= Bugis=> Raffles Place=> Orchard=> Holland V
Sat= Orchard
24 May Thursday can be classified as Singapore Eastern Tour
25 May Friday as the Place Of Interest Tour
26 May Saturday will be the Orchard Tour (which i always does)
Was with Ah Shun during the Orchard tour. the both of us was kind of boring. we could not thought of any activities to do. Called this someone up but was with fren so dun wan disturb. SoOoooooo we ended up at the youth park sitting there like 2 idiot. we tok tok chat chat then went hm.
Today will be a family day for me. went Ikea to get a long wanted table and some accessories. then went IMM to walk walk. My bro in law bought dunno what pipe for what??? dunno what he is up to. he and his ridiculous ideas. only my sis understands him.
Oh yah see me 'Live' in action in 湾仔 WhiteSands from 28 May onwards.....
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, May 27, 2007
To err is human; to forgive is divine
Went touring around Singapore (again??) that day(23 may). Met dessert Ahjie n Ah Fei at Orchard chat n have lunch at Republic. To Central Parkway after to take a look. Then went Central Tampines to look for Janet. Lastly to White Sand WAN CHAI. going all the way to the last of Singapore liao. (hah!!!) then went hm for the long waited CHAMPION LEAGUE!!!!!!!!
The broadband went down on me right after the CL....... dunno why. everything was like blocked!!!!!!! (like preventing me from doing sthing hehehe) it did like went normal for a while later but was disconnected after.
AC was like struggling but went 1-0 in the first half thanks to a deflection off Inzaghi from free kick by Pirlo.
The next half AC was more in control. The 4 in the middle was SUPERB !!!!! (Kaka, Pirlo, Seeddof, Gattuso) The POol's 4 was not clicking as compared. The final score 2-1. With one more contributed by Inzaghi n one in the last min by Kuyt.
kind of boring to watch the match alone. did't slp the whole day after. go SMA for registration. the course manager asked me questions. but i was like toking rubbish before answering her. She looked puzzled. Nthing went into my head liao everything blurred..
GO Raffles to look for Ah Hong after the registration then went with him to a pub for interview. Nthing was told at the interview. To Holland V for dinner then HM Sweet HM at 2200.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, May 25, 2007
inTerview??? Nahhh.........
Went Vivo for interview today. They offered me to work parttime for them??? To test my skill??? keep me under observation??? or hestiate after knowing my last pay???
Walk around for a while after. Saw that the Ferry Terminal at Sentosa is demolished. :(
Went to PageOne after. got to browse an interesting book (forget the title liao). The author's mention about 'Open Question' was appealing to me. His theoretical explaination was that there was no right or wrong answer to an 'open question'. its the case of how u explain or apply it. The answers that teachers provide u with are right but there can always be others which ur mentor/ teachers dunno. kind of makes me remember the word
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Not My Day
Pursue your own genuine interests, never follow in others' footsteps
Another day pass juz like that.
one of my internet account got hack into today!!!! all hell break lose!!!!!!!!!! Lost a lot of impt documents. So its back to square 1 for me now.
i recieved a call from one of the HK cafe asking me to go work for them. i was wondering why they know i am not working.
Shld i go or not go?????
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Emoing mood
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Thursday, May 17, 2007
LOVE is the Master KEY that opens the gates of HAPPINESS
i was sort of rotting at home the last 2 days. was at hm most of the time. locking myself up in the room n stare into the space (going crazy liao). more or less its Sat n Sun, those financial institute are not open also. finished most of the admins needed. Less things to do all of a sudden but all were delayed by almost a wk. the deal with the stupid company based at Brooklyn, NY??? took the most time to complete.
went orchard with AH Di on SUN (13 may). it was hmmmm shld be 1730 ba when we meet. started off with Paradize Centre. he did his interview there. went to play at the arcade while waiting. then as usual stroll all the way to taka. oh man...... think that i got addict to the ice cream liao. its becoming a need to get the ice cream there or its going to feel smthing's missing. went Central restaurant to chat for a while. then went outside where we sit n tok about our 心事 i was thinking of letting him listen to me but in the end i was the one listening (sad, nvmind forget it)
we listen to the 'live' performance by the Mexican??? outside take while chatting. it was brilliant. i can only say it was the best live performance. it has never occur to me that i sit at road side n listen to a musical performance.
today (14 may) the day started out at about 1700. dunno where to go so juz took any bus that comes first from the bus stop (my usual habit) ended up at Jurong Point. so meet up with mom have dinner with her n went hm.
guess that the things i have been missing is the company of people whom i can tok to. i feel that no matter how busy u kept urself occupied or how many of the ppl u meet up with, u will still need that SPECIAL person there for u....
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The presence of the unspoken pressure can robbed u off ur mental strength giving a complete breakdown
Today Ah Ming was sort of unactive today. He slps the whole day. unable to get his motor going. probably he was tired from watching the 2 EPL match from the last 2 days. totally drained of energy n strength to keep him going in the day.
yesterday, Ah Ming told his fren he is going to register for the course he wans to take but he did not do it. he hesitated still. he may tell ppl he wans to continue studying but there are still things pulling him back. Problems which he keeps to himself but was unable to tell. or he got no one to share his problems with.
Ah Ming went to Clark Quay(rite spelling???) n the Central Shopping Centre yesterday. it was the first time Ah Ming went to the Clark Quay since it was renovated. thats a good experience for him. he saw many resturants which he likes. most impt to him is the ambience. the resturants looks classy also. the price to dine there may be staggering. Coffee Club at the Central Shopping is already opened. its going to be very romantic to have a cup of coffee in there with ur love one. there are some seats with the view of the river n the dazzling lights.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Do not lose your composure and remain serene in any given situations, for if not will lead to mistakes
ring........ the hp goes. 0730 (saw on the phone). it was from Anna the one selling fishball noodle at taka. asked me if wan to work for one. i immedly reject her (am i very curel???). chat for a while then when back slp.
woke up(1030). washed up, get changed. go Liat Tower DBS for account opening. waited there for about an hr (had BK while waiting). customer service at this branch is not bad. get to tok to the 'Officials' about many banking matters. the person did not rush through everything like others. impt coz i am one who cannot absorb so many at one go.
met 文龙 again. went to collect his Sony Eric Hp at wisma then of course we went to Central. chat with the ppl there then went our separate way. he went for his work at PArkway, me gone home.
while on the way hm, baojie called me say go sing K. very reluctant to go. kept calling so i think shld juz go first lah. found out only that all gone to sing K actually not working today(haha all riot liao). did not see them when i was at Central so though all gone for break(i didn't ask also).by the way 高记(chopper),阿辉,阿清,甜品姐 were there
So was at hm for that 15 or 20 mins before i went out again.
destination Party World ChinaTown. all have reached, i was the last one. Ah Fei was already so high that he stands up to sing. the rest were singing along. he cannot get enough after the time ends. brought us to Yangtze for another session (baojie n Mr chopper was already hm). the place was actually some ' Club ' with hostess. anyway everyone juz went in lah. seat n tok tok for a while. then watched this 'grand finale' by the hostess. everyone sing one by one n got tips indicated by erm band??? drank up one cup of beer n went hm(0145??)
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Thursday, May 10, 2007
sad Day
learn to ' Give up ' n Live for the Better Tomorrow
today's not my day.(haizz)
see my beloved PDA phone off for servicing after wks of intensive work with me.(bye bye) there goes my portability cam n mp3 player. without that very hard to get photo on the run. but anyway quality not very good also so i think to let it rest for life after repair (hehehe). currently on my mind will the most ex nokia phone(izzit?) the N95 is calling out to me ' Ah ming exchange ur PDA for me ' (hahaha)
finally got the reply from PSB after 3 months. (very long) application for the course got reject by the UNi. (sianzzzzz) guess that i will have to settle for something lower. this Specialist Diploma in Psychology looks good. may apply for it.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
raCe Against TimE
Life is like an unknown journey taken. You never know where you will end up.
WWOooooooo!!!!!!! the day makes me goes Crazy...... pressed for time
there were many tasks to complete so i ran around like mad. actually i only managed to complete 2 out of 4. then somemore there is timing to be met.
First i went to NUH. reached there about 1330. i have been going to the hospital almost every wk nowadays. was like working there part time liao. met my social worker to collect something n tok to her about some errrrr.........(cannot say lah). leave the hospital i think about 1400
bussed to Jurong East. ran all the way to OCBC saw the stupid long queue give up (got a 1700 deadline so give up).
went CCK OCBC its was already 1500. the queue damn long also give up again.
then finally went Bukit Panjang branch. queue also damn long but now no choice alr. i have to deposit money by today. it was 1530. 1615 (looked at my hp) before its my turn. quickly fill up everything then cash in the money. ran all the way hm(i was sweating like hell liao). Scanned the deposit slip and sent it to the company(1630)
MEt 文龙. tok tok a bit at Central. found out that baojie working alone today (poor thing :( ...) went paragon to look for my ' perfect ' pair of shoe. NO shoes for me there. likes a shirt found but no size for me.......
trainned to MArina bay after to met HOng,wan n Jess. played at the arcade n have steamboat. the food was super salty loh. didn't eat much.
Home at 0010
Sorry no photos for camera has broke
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Someonez calling me uncle SOON
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Monday, May 07, 2007
its been frustrating the last few days for me. There seems to have unseen forces preventing me from completing some very impt tasks on TIME.
Dealing with the BAnks is a very troublesome task. there is the long long queue. then there are the forms to fill in. then there are the questions. then the selling of investment by their so call manager. then do i look that 'RICH', they keep promoting their stupid credit card to me. Ooooooo i think i muz cool down...... (the 'then' word appear too much times liao also)
went to this SIM LIM SQUARE again today... got a new PC system for QING SHIFU...... u noe what. i carry the stupid heavy PC walk all the way to MRT from SIM LIM!!!!!!!!! it weigh about 10kg leh. 10kg u noe. very heavy leh. again we took no transport from the WOODLAND MRT to his home loh. my hand is like going to break liao. i think if things goes on like that i will become very muscular very soon hehehee.
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Friday, May 04, 2007
MAY day
Istana building
the 'energy' bars
Posted by
Call me Ah MIng
Tuesday, May 01, 2007